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Improving the school security

After hours there aren't many people on our school site, which can make it a popular place for teenagers and the homeless to hang out. We've had some issues recently with vandalism on the weekend and it seemed like it might be useful to improve some our security around the school. Once we installed some CCTV cameras, upgraded our security systems and increased the number of patrols around the school after hours, the vandalism problem plummeted, so we've actually saved a lot of money through those investments. This blog is all about improving school security systems to manage vandalism and other issues.


The Best Features of Today’s Home Security Systems

12 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

A home security system today is usually more than just an alarm that sounds when the door is opened unexpectedly; a security system can keep your home safe from more than intruders and give you more control over its security than you may realize. Note a few features of today's home security systems you may want to include in your system when it's time to have a new one installed or to upgrade your current system. Read More …